The firm has long experience in conducting KAP Surveys at the national level. The KAP surveys conducted by the firm were in different areas; health, environment, and water resources and agriculture. Among these surveys was the Baseline KAP of Egyptian Farmers towards Water Resources in 1998. Recently the firm gained intensive experience in quality of care managements through conducting the national services provision assessment survey. The firm has also gained an experience in conducting qualitative studies. The qualitative methods that were used by the firm include; in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, participatory rapid appraisal (PRA) technique and participant observation. In addition, in many of the quantitative studies conducted by El-Zanaty & Associates , qualitative methods were included to complement and support the quantitative data.
The Study was carried out by El-Zanaty & Associates on behalf of WFP, the main objective of the survey was to promote the self-reliance among refugees and their host community through enhancing their access to income-generating opportunities addressing underlying causes of vulnerability and promoting social cohesion, the survey was conducted in 5 governorates on sample of 1000 refugees and Egyptians using quantitative and qualitative data collection tools. In addition, labor market and service providing offering vocation training mapping in the surveyed governorates took place. The information collected in this study will help the programme in understanding youth needs, addressing underlying causes of vulnerability and promoting social cohesion
El-Zanaty & associates on behalf of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) carried out (Impact evaluation survey) on sample of 6000 households/individuals using quantitative and qualitative tools, the main objective of this assignment is to Follow-up and periodic measurement of the social and economic development impact of the provision of telecommunications, Internet and digital human development services on citizens in the villages of Decent Life in a way that ensures the sustainability of digital transformation work, and the promotion of digital and financial inclusion and economic empowerment of citizens, with the possibility of generalization to various regions of the Republic.
El-Zanaty & associates on behalf of GIZ carried out Impact measurement of the private sector Innovation . the survey used both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools, The main objective of this assignment is to provide result-based monitoring and evaluation to the PSI project. The study included conducting , baseline and end line surveys
El-Zanaty & Associates conducted phone survey on behalf of IFPRI on sample of 6500 HH in 25 governorates, the main objective was to Analyze the situation of households across Egypt, and the role of social protection programs. to gain an understanding of current food security situation and the role of the Takaful Programme.
Impact evaluation survey took place by El-Zanaty & associates in period of Feb-2022 to Jul-2022 on behalf of IFPRI, the main objective of the survey was to Assess impact evaluation for Takaful and Karama program in Egypt based on social gender, the survey was conducted in 3 governorates across Egypt on sample of 600 HH.
A phone survey took place in 2021 (Nov-2021 to June-2022) on behalf of ILO on sample of 2500 refugees in 5 governorates, The main objective of the research is to provide socioeconomic profiling of refugees and asylum seekers that presents a solid empirical and analytical understanding of the primordial constraints and underlying causes that imped refugees, asylum seekers and host communities of accessing their desired livelihoods opportunities, with regards to skills, networks, human capital and physical capital.
Co-facilitator and technical expert for the NEN RIMS workshop in Rome, IFAD
Consultant for UNDP, Evaluation Team member of Assessment Development Results
Consultant for JICA, Ex-post Evaluation on improvement of water Supply System at the Northern Pyramids Area in Giza City in Egypt
John Hopkins consultant; Run Strategic Communication Training M&E of Key performance Indicators HAAD, Abu Dhabi.
The firm’s primary objective has been to participate in the improvement of various services and conditions in Egypt by providing reliable data and sound recommendations