Why El Zanaty

The firm has long experience in conducting KAP Surveys at the national level. The KAP surveys conducted by the firm were in different areas; health, environment, and water resources and agriculture. Among these surveys was the Baseline KAP of Egyptian Farmers towards Water Resources in 1998. Recently the firm gained intensive experience in quality of care managements through conducting the national services provision assessment survey.
The firm has also gained an experience in conducting qualitative studies. The qualitative methods that were used by the firm include; in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, participatory rapid appraisal (PRA) technique and participant observation. In addition, in many of the quantitative studies conducted by El-Zanaty & Associates , qualitative methods were included to complement and support the quantitative data.

Contact info
  • Address: El-Zanaty& Assocites 291 Sameh Gado St, El-Siahia El-Sadsa - 6th October, Giza,12582 - Egypt
  • Phone: 002-0238241464
  •              002-0238241246
  • Fax:      002-0238241463
  • Email: zanaty@elzanaty.comfelzanaty@elzanaty.com

John Hopkins

  • 2010

John Hopkins consultant; Run Strategic Communication Training M&E of Key performance Indicators HAAD, Abu Dhabi.


  • January 2010

Consultant for UNDP, write a background paper for MDG country report for Goal 4” decline Infant and child mortality”.


  • September- December 2009

Consultant for IFAD, Design a Monitoring and Evaluation System for Rural Development project in Upper Egypt, an IFAD supported project.


  • September 2009

Consultant for InWent Capacity building for regional process facilitators on M&E and RIMS of the IFAD (CAMARI program), carried out for InWent and IFAD.


  • 2007

ILO Consultant, write one chapter in training manual on Sampling methodology for school to work transition survey.


  • 2007

FEMISE Consultant, The Children Challenge in the Mediterranean Area, Experiences and perspectives in child well-being promotion, Egypt Country Report.


  • 2006

UNFPA consultant, paper on Child Health in Egypt.

World Bank

  • 2006

World Bank Consultant. Girls Basic Education Development Project.

Johns Hopkins University

  • July-August 2005

Consultant, Johns Hopkins University, for Jordan Health Communication Partnership project to provide technical assistance to Family Health Survey.


  • February 2005

Consultant for JICA to conduct a Health Survey in Egypt.

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Way to Success

The firm’s primary objective has been to participate in the improvement of various services and conditions in Egypt by providing reliable data and sound recommendations