The firm has long experience in conducting KAP Surveys at the national level. The KAP surveys conducted by the firm were in different areas; health, environment, and water resources and agriculture. Among these surveys was the Baseline KAP of Egyptian Farmers towards Water Resources in 1998. Recently the firm gained intensive experience in quality of care managements through conducting the national services provision assessment survey. The firm has also gained an experience in conducting qualitative studies. The qualitative methods that were used by the firm include; in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, participatory rapid appraisal (PRA) technique and participant observation. In addition, in many of the quantitative studies conducted by El-Zanaty & Associates , qualitative methods were included to complement and support the quantitative data.
Quality of Care and Family Planning Utilization in Ministry of Health and Population Clinics.
In-Depth Study of the Discontinuation of Modern Family Planning Methods. NPC, RMU and El-Zanaty & Associate.
Baseline Survey for Support to Population Program in Upper Egypt. Huks, European Union, Ministry of Health and Population and El-Zanaty & Associate.
The firm’s primary objective has been to participate in the improvement of various services and conditions in Egypt by providing reliable data and sound recommendations