The firm has long experience in conducting KAP Surveys at the national level. The KAP surveys conducted by the firm were in different areas; health, environment, and water resources and agriculture. Among these surveys was the Baseline KAP of Egyptian Farmers towards Water Resources in 1998. Recently the firm gained intensive experience in quality of care managements through conducting the national services provision assessment survey. The firm has also gained an experience in conducting qualitative studies. The qualitative methods that were used by the firm include; in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, participatory rapid appraisal (PRA) technique and participant observation. In addition, in many of the quantitative studies conducted by El-Zanaty & Associates , qualitative methods were included to complement and support the quantitative data.
Questionnaire about the Egyptian constitution 2011 for Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation.
On farm irrigation in old lands for Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation and IFAD, Egypt.
RIMS survey for Health and Water Component of Agriculture Sector Development Programme – Livestock for Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development and IFAD, Tanzania.
RIMS survey for Butana Integrated rural Development Project for The Ministry Of Agriculture and Forestry and IFAD.
RIMS survey for Supporting the Small-scale Traditional Rainfed Producers for The Ministry Of Agriculture and Forestry and IFAD
RIMS survey for Gash Sustainable Livelihoods Regeneration Project for the Ministry Of Agriculture and Forestry and IFAD.
Egypt Financial Access Study -Baseline Enterprise Survey for Innovations and poverty action and Social Fund for Development (SFD).
Qualitative study on the Social Relations and Values in the Egyptian Community for Unicef.
First- Round of The Impact of the Integrated Development GOE 1000 Poorest village Initiative on Maternal and Child's Health for Social Contract Center (SCC) – The Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC).
Social and legal circumstances behind the marriage of young Egyptian men from foreign old women for Ministry of family and population – Child Trafficking Unit.
The firm’s primary objective has been to participate in the improvement of various services and conditions in Egypt by providing reliable data and sound recommendations